How Your Skin Ages at 30, 40, 50+

How to look and feel you best at any age.

By the time we turn 30, our skin has already taken a lot of abuse just from daily living. It’s also around this age that our skin repair systems start to slow down (uh oh).

Luckily, there are highly-effective, natural ways to slow the signs of aging and support your skin as it begins to need more attention. Some are as simple as staying hydrated or choosing products with the right active botanicals.

And bonus: taking time to pamper and appreciate your skin feels good.

Here’s a look at how your skin changes with age and how you can look and feel your best:

Your Skin in Your 30s

What to Expect:

In your 30s, you can expect to see some of the first telltale signs of your skin starting to age. You’re likely to see some or all of these:

  • Fine lines begin to appear - especially on your forehead and around your eyes and mouth.
  • Skin becomes looser and appears less firm.
  • You start to lose your natural glow.
  • It becomes more difficult to keep your skin moisturized.
  • Dark spots caused by decades of low-grade sun exposure may start to appear.

Don’t panic! These things are common to experience in your 30s as the production of new skin cells, as well as collagen and elastin, slow down significantly around this age. But you can fight back, here’s how--

How to Look Your Best:

Get a Skin Care Routine!

If you don’t already have one, establish a daily skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing morning and evening, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

Moisturize Daily

Use moisturizers that contain natural ingredients, antioxidants, and skin-loving vitamins, like vitamin E. Avoid products that are heavy, clog pores, or leave your skin feeling greasy.

Give Your Eyes Extra Love

Give the sensitive skin around your eyes extra attention. It’s often the first area to show signs of aging. Use a concentrated moisturizing cream or serum for maximum hydration.

Your Skin in Your 40s:

What to Expect:

It’s in your 40s that you can expect to start seeing major changes in your skin. Here’s what that looks like for most people:

  • Your skin isn’t as radiant as it used to be.
  • Wrinkles become more pronounced and visible.
  • Skin loses significant firmness and may appear saggy.
  • You start to see more hyperpigmentation (dark patches) from sun damage.

How to Look Your Best:

You Glow, Girl!

If you want to ditch dull skin and get more of your dewy glow back, you’ll want to take exfoliation and hydration seriously. Choose an exfoliating product that gently removes dead skin cells to reveal your skin’s natural radiance. And don’t forget, hydration is necessary both inside and out. So, drink enough water and choose high-quality moisturizers.

Get to Know These Weird-Sounding Ingredients

We know some of these all-natural ingredients sound a little complicated and scientific, but it’s worth getting to know them so you can identify the best skincare products. Choose specially-formulated anti-aging products that incorporate highly-effective natural ingredients like:

  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): a natural compound that blocks the breakdown of collagen.
  • CoQ10: an antioxidant that smooths skin tone and reduces the appearance of fine lines.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: a sugar molecule that occurs naturally in our skin. It fights back against sagging skin for a more supple and lifted appearance.
  • Plant Stem Cells: plant extracts full of antioxidants that protect against sun damage and help fight hyperpigmentation, redness, and wrinkles.

Your Skin in Your 50s and Beyond:

What to Expect:

In your 50s, your skin faces many challenges, including the hormone shift that comes with menopause. Here are the most common skin issues of our 50s and beyond:

  • You notice your skin has increased sensitivity to products.
  • Your skin is often parched and difficult to keep hydrated.
  • Loss of muscle and bone shrinkage makes wrinkles and loose skin more dramatic.
  • Spots of hyperpigmentation become more prominent.

In addition to the routines you established in your 30s and 40s, you’ll want to take extra steps to pamper your maturing skin when you reach your 50s.

How to Look Your Best:

Re-Evaluate Your Routine

As your skin’s sensitivity increases with age, you’ll want to pay close attention to any reactions you may develop to products you regularly use. It’s not uncommon to develop a sudden allergy or irritation from a product that’s been a staple in your skincare routine. Use only the most gentle cleansers and moisturizers for your mature skin to keep it feeling and looking its best.

Massage Your Face

Good at any age but great for aging skin, facial massages stimulate muscles and reduce fluid buildup. They also help improve blood flow and cell regeneration and boost collagen production. Plus, they feel terrific.

Double-Down on Products Containing Hyaluronic Acid

If you haven’t already found your favorite skincare product containing hyaluronic acid, now is the time. This all-natural wonder-ingredient holds 1,000 times its weight in water and can help replenish cell moisture for improved hydration and firmness.

You can have beautiful skin at any age. All you need is the right skincare routine for your specific needs.

Which is why we invite you to try our line of cruelty-free, planet-friendly skincare products. We’re 2BETRUE, and we’re create skincare with a conscience, born carbon-neutral.

Sustainably-produced and seriously effective, 2BTRUE is made in the USA from sustainably-sourced ingredients and is manufactured in a woman-owned and operated facility (#girlpower).

We make it easy to hydrate, exfoliate, reduce fine lines, get your glow back, and improve firmness at any age.